Red Face / Sensitive Skin

Red Face

At The Centre for Restorative Dermatology we find treating patients suffering from uncontrollable red faces to be most rewarding and fulfilling. The enormous relief our patients experience with the results is very satisfying for everyone involved

As the acknowledged medical experts in this area, we treat all medical and aesthetic problems, removing the cause where possible and correcting the damage the inflammation has left behind.

Celtic skin tends to have a lot of redness in it and can ‘pink up’ with the slightest insult.There are a numerous dermatological disorders which can result in a red face, the most common of which are rosacea, demodex folliculitis, essential familial telangiectasia, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne vulgaris, erythromelanosis faceii and others.

These can lead to a ‘sensitive skin’ which reacts to everything.To complicate matters further a number of these conditions can co-exist and it is a matter of identifying and treating them individually. We like to tease them out and treat each one to reduce redness, broken blood vessels, flushing and alleviate suffering as quickly as possible, usually with the help of lasers.

Read more about: Excess Blood Vessels / Red Faces

In addition to making a diagnosis and prescribing a course of treatment, an individual skin care regimen is designed for each patient. Allergy tests in the form of ‘patch testing’ may sometimes be necessary to guide the patient and physician (

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is a condition of cutaneous hyper-reactivity induced by physical factors such as temperature change, wind, stress, alcohol, ‘cosmetic intolerance’ and humidity.

It can be a very distressing condition with symptoms including itching, burning, tightening, redness, dryness and stinging. People often report an inability to tolerate any skin care products or make-up.

It typically occurs in fair skinned individuals and often accompanies disorders such as rosacea, demodex folliculitis, atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis and contact dermatitis.

Management includes taking a careful history to eliminate known sensitising substances such as nickel; using cleansers that don’t alter physiological balance and have normal pH 5.2-5.4; appropriate moisturising to improve barrier function; and treatment of associated medical conditions.

Newer skin care ranges contain anti-inflammatory ingredients such as feverfew (from chrysanthemum) chamomile, green/white/black teas, licquorice, aloe vera, echinacea and other calming botanicals.